21 กันยายน 2565
ผู้ชม 1589 ผู้ชม
Material options:
Pump head: PVC, PVDF, Polypropylene, 316SS
Gaskets: FKM, EPDM, PTFE
Control variants:
DDI AR Automatic control + alarm relay
DDI AF AR + Flow monitor
DDI AP AR + Profibus
DDI APF AP + Flow monitor
Dosing of biocides and chemicals, belt lubricant for conveyor equipment diverse range of acids, lyes, flocculation and coagulation agents, cationic and anionic polymers, precipitating agents and disinfectants, CIP applications
Pulp and paper industry
Textile industry
Food and beverage industry
Industrial process water and waste water treatment
Drinking water treatment
Tel : 076-513100-4