04 พฤษภาคม 2565
ผู้ชม 1009 ผู้ชม
HI 9812-5 is a pH/EC/TDS waterproof meter designed for simplicity in taking pH, µS/cm, ppm (mg/L) and temperature measurements. The HI 9812-5 is ideal for hydroponics, greenhouses, farming and ground water applications.
Due to the built-in temperature sensor, conductivity readings are automatically compensated for temperature changes. The temperature coefficient is fixed at 2%/°C.
No probe changes are required when switching your measured parameter between pH, conductivity and TDS. These multiparameter meters reduce the number of instruments required for daily water quality analysis.
The specially engineered HI 1285-5 pH/EC/TDS and temperature probe utilizes a fiber junction and gel electrolyte which provide a fast response and reduced contamination. This combination makes the HI 1285-5 particularly designed to withstand harsh environments such as fertilizer solutions.
Tel : 076-513100-4