17 สิงหาคม 2564
ผู้ชม 1854 ผู้ชม
Electric Motor Drive and Diesel Engine Drive
fire pumps can be furnished for any
combination of pumps, drives, controls and accessories for listed and approved and
non-listed fire service applications. Packaged units and systems lower fire pump
installation costs and offer these advantages:
· Pump, driver, and controller are mounted on a common base.
· Common baseplate unit eliminates the need for separate mounting surfaces.
· Common unit minimizes the need for interconnecting wiring and assembly.
· Equipment arrives in a consolidated shipment, allowing faster and simplified
installation and handling.
· Custom designed system,
including accessories,
fittings, and layouts
available to meet the
customer’s specifications.
· In-house
and design
expertise to
ensure design
requirements are realized.
Tel : 076-513100-4